rubber gym floor peeling

Is Your Rubber Gym Floor Peeling? Here’s What You Can Do

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Have you noticed that your rubber gym floor is starting to peel? Unfortunately, rubber tiles can deteriorate over time, affecting the performance of the rubber surface. This issue affects the appearance of your gym and can be a safety hazard. So, how can you fix this issue and prevent further damage?

Rubber gym floors are a popular choice for fitness facilities. Rubber floors are durable and have excellent shock-absorbing properties. However, heavy use and harsh chemicals can cause these floor surfaces to peel, crack, or show signs of wear and tear over time. Reasons for rubber floor tiles failing include improper installation, moisture damage, or the natural aging process of rubber products.

If you’re facing the problem of a peeling rubber gym floor, addressing the issue promptly is vital to ensure the safety and functionality of your gym.

This article explores some steps you can take to fix peeling rubber tiles. You’ll also learn why a rubber tile floor can deteriorate and how you can prevent future peeling issues. 

Understanding the Issue: Why Rubber Gym Floor Edges Peel

Several reasons can cause rubber gym flooring to start peeling or become loose. Aging and wear are the most common reasons for older rubberized floor coverings. In newer floors, causes of peeling range from incorrect installation to water damage and damage from improper use.

A well-maintained, high-quality rubber flooring should last 20 years. So why is your rubber gym floor peeling? Here are some common issues:

  • Improper installation: If the rubber tiles are not properly installed, they will peel or come loose over time. This can happen if the adhesive is not applied correctly or the tiles are not securely locked together.
  • Moisture damage: Rubber is susceptible to moisture damage. Therefore, excessive humidity or water exposure in the gym area. Moisture causes the adhesive to weaken, leading to peeling or loosening of the rubber tiles. Also, mold can damage the rubber floor’s surface.
  • Heavy usage: Rubber tile floors are designed to withstand high-impact activities, so rubber floor mats are popular in weights rooms and gyms. However, over time, constant foot traffic, equipment movement, and dropped weights can cause the rubber surface to deteriorate.
  • Harsh chemicals: Using the wrong cleaning products or chemicals can harm rubber athletic floors. Some harsh chemicals react with the adhesive used to secure rubber floor tiles.

The Risks of Ignoring Peeling Edges

Apart from aesthetic concerns, ignoring peeling edges on a rubber gym floor can cause several safety hazards. Here are three risks associated with ignoring peeling issues:

  • Trip hazards: Peeling edges create uneven surfaces that can cause people to trip and fall, leading to injuries. Studies show that tripping in gyms is a cause of injuries in athletic facilities. 
  • Hygiene concerns: Peeling edges can create gaps where dirt, sweat, and other debris accumulate. This makes cleaning difficult and can create an unhygienic environment.
  • Further floor damage: Ignoring peeling edges can lead to more extensive damage. For example, moisture can affect the subfloor. Or rips in the rubber tiles could mean more extensive floor repairs. 

To ensure the safety and functionality of your gym, addressing peeling edges promptly and taking necessary steps to repair and prevent further damage is crucial.

Related reading: How to care for rubber gym flooring.

Step-by-Step Guide to Repairing Loose Rubber Sports Floor Edges

Repairing minor floor damage and loose edges on rubber gym flooring is usually straightforward. First, you must have the necessary tools and materials. These include a utility knife, adhesive remover, appropriate rubber adhesive, and a roller to seal the joints.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to replace floor edges on a rubberized floor covering:

  • Prepare the area: Start by removing any dirt, debris, or loose rubber pieces from the affected area. Use a utility knife to trim loose edges or flaps without cutting the main portion of the rubber tile.
  • Remove old adhesive: The new adhesive won’t stick to old glue. Therefore, use an adhesive remover to remove glue residue. Ensure that both surfaces are clean and dry before proceeding.
  • Apply new adhesive: Use a recommended rubber adhesive and apply a thin layer evenly onto the subfloor and the underside of the rubber tile.
  • Press down firmly: Use a weighted roller to secure adhesion and eliminate air bubbles during installation. 

Finally, use a damp cloth to remove excess adhesive that may have seeped from the edges.

Choosing the Right Adhesive for Rubber Gym Flooring Repairs

Choosing the correct rubber floor adhesive is vital when repairing rubber gym flooring. High-quality polyurethane glues are excellent because they bond tightly to the surface and subfloor. A rubber floor sealer also prevents the floor tiles from moving or coming loose. Also, seam sealer adhesive is a black polyurethane glue that tightly bonds tiles and rolls.

Preventive Measures to Prevent a Peeling Your Rubber Gym Floor

As the adage goes, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, preventing rubber tile seals from peeling can save you time and money on repairs. It also keeps your gym looking better for longer. Here are some preventive measures to ensure the edges of rubber gym floors don’t peel:

  • Use the right cleaning products: Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the adhesive used to secure rubber floor tiles. Stick to recommended cleaning products specifically designed for rubber athletic floors.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain the floor: Routine gym floor inspections help to identify any signs of peeling or damage. You should promptly address any issues to prevent them from worsening.
  • Implement proper footwear policies: Enforce a policy where gym users must wear appropriate footwear. This includes a “no-heels” policy and using athletic shoes to minimize the impact on the rubber surface.
  • Use entrance mats: Install entrance mats at all entrances and exits to trap dirt, debris, and moisture. This protects sports floors from unnecessary damage. Although this tip is vital for hardwood sports floors, it’s useful for rubber floors.
  • Clean spills immediately: Have a strict cleaning policy to clean spills on athletic flooring promptly. This will prevent moisture from seeping into the subfloor and causing damage. Also, cleaning rubber flooring is vital to keep it in the best condition. 

When to Call the Professionals

If you are concerned about the condition of rubber gym flooring, it’s best to call experts in rubber gym flooring. They can assess what is causing peeling and advise on the best solutions.

Seeking a professional assessment can be cost-effective in the long run. The experts can carry out high-quality gym floor repairs, minimizing the risk of further damage. They also have the right materials, adhesives, and tools specifically designed for repairing and installing rubber gym flooring.

Conclusion: Ensuring a Safe and Appealing Rubber Gym Floor

The benefits of rubber flooring in a gym are numerous. It is durable, long-lasting, and provides excellent shock absorption. Unfortunately, repairing rubber gym flooring is inevitable due to wear and tear. However, by implementing preventive measures, using the right cleaning products, and conducting regular inspections, you can reduce the need for repairs.

Ready to take action and ensure the safety and appeal of your rubber gym floor? Contact J&J Gym Floors today for a professional assessment. Our experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools to identify issues with your rubber flooring and provide the best solutions.

Don’t let peeling or damaged floors hinder your workouts any longer. Reach out to us now and let us help you create a safe and inviting gym environment.